Zero Carbon Harrogate (ZCH) brings together a group of residents from the Harrogate District, under the patronage of Prof Piers Forster (IPCC panel member and Harrogate resident), to support the development of a low carbon, sustainable economy, in order to address climate change, whilst improving the quality of life for residents of the district.

Established in 2016 it now has a formal structure in place made up of academics, business owners, community leaders, parents, professionals and retirees. It is organised into five active working groups focusing on buildings & energy, public engagement, food, natural climate solutions and transport.

Working collaboratively and apolitically with partners and key decision makers across the Harrogate District ZCH uses a positive approach to carbon emission reduction, raising awareness of the climate emergency and encouraging individual lifestyle change, through advocacy rather than activism, to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions in the Harrogate District by 2030.

Cherry Blossom on the Stray in Harrogate

Social Media and Contact Information: If you would like to find out more about ZCH projects and campaigns please follow them on social media and check out their website.

Web: Email: [email protected]

Twitter: Facebook:
