Leeds Church Institute have begun looking at how they can encourage churches and people of faith to think about how they can do more to live sustainably and reduce their carbon footprint.
Their most recent CITYTheology magazine includes an article by Anita Shaw, Environment Champion for the Leeds Area of the Anglican Diocese on taking up the challenge of a plastic-free Lent, and the lessons she has learnt from this.
It also has an article from LCI Director Dr Helen Reid reflecting on Benigno P. Beltran’s book Faith and Struggle on Smokey Mountain, which explores sustainability through the lives of the people who make their living on the vast rubbish dump in Manila in the Philippines.
LCI have also chosen to theme their next annual Hook Lecture around sustainability and the environment; inviting Green Party Co-leader Jonathan Bartley to speak on the topic of whether cities always have to be bad for the environment, under the title of ‘Working For The Peace Of The City’. You can find out more about this event here https://lcileeds.wordpress.com/2018/04/30/jonathan-bartley-are-cities-always-bad-for-the-environment-hook-lecture-2018/.