We are sorry to say that Zero Carbon Yorkshire will
dissolve as an organisation after 7 years of great activities,
projects, events and campaigning initiatives.

The Buildings group and Transport group will continue to
meet using their existing mailing lists. The local Climate
Groups are still running, and will continue with informal
contact between themselves to share events and best

Aim: Drop Carbon Emissions by 50% by 2028

Statistic: We Recycle 60.8% of Waste

Impact: Stopping 1c of Global Warming Saves the World Over £100 Trillion Every 50 Years

Zero Carbon Yorkshire is more than just a token charity contributing it’s bit toward reducing carbon.

We are a way of reducing your own person carbon emissions and inspiring others to do the same. Explore our website to find a local group and make a difference. It’s not too late.

Zero Carbon News

Friends of the Earth calls for free bus travel for under-30s

A new report published by Friends of the Earth has called for free bus travel to be extended to all people aged under 30. The initiative, mirroring the current provision for over-65s, is one of the solutions proposed by the report's authors, Transport for the Quality...

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Sheffield City Council declares Climate Emergency

Sheffield City Council has become the largest council in the country to declare a Climate Emergency. The council currently has an ambition to become zero carbon by 2050. However, the motion, passed almost unanimously, commits the council to bring forward proposals for...

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November 2018 Climate news

Here's a roundup of climate change news from Yorkshire and further afield for the month: Fracking The government is coming under increasing pressure to cancel its plans to fast-track fracking through the planning system. The plans, which would see exploration wells...

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October 2018 Climate News

Here's a roundup of climate change news from Yorkshire and further afield for the month: IPCC Report demands "rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented" changes The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) special report on Global Warming of 1.5C provided a timely...

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G20 countries off track for 2 degrees

PWC's Low Carbon Economy Index 2018 published in October details how none of the G20 countries are on track to meet commitments to keep global temperature increases below two degrees (nevermind the 1.5 degrees demanded by the Paris Agreement. The report also states...

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Domestic demand side response solutions in Barnsley

A stakeholder in Energise Barnsley, Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, has through their ‘Low Carbon Agenda’ fitted over 600 air source heat pumps (ASHPs) in domestic dwellings, replacing gas boilers, through the tenant management company Berneslai Homes. With the...

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Pressure mounts on Government plans to fast track fracking

Government proposals to change the planning system to speed up shale gas exploration are coming under mounting scrutiny. The proposals include granting permitted development rights to exploration well sites and deciding on shale gas production plans in Whitehall...

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New leaflets

We want to make sure as many people know about Zero Carbon Yorkshire and our work to bring people together across Yorkshire to tackle climate change. We've produced a lovely new leaflet to encourage people to get involved. We'd be massively grateful if you can help...

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Polling shows support for onshore wind

In 2012, Conservative MPs wrote to David Cameron expressing opposition to onshore wind and calling on the Government to cut financial support for wind energy. Since then, the Government has indeed cut support but also made the planning increasingly difficult for...

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