
To become a member of Zero Carbon Yorkshire, please fill in and submit the form below and we will contact you very shortly to confirm your membership.  (We will not normally refuse membership but reserve the right to do so should the need arise.) Membership is currently free of charge and entitles you or your organisation to vote at General Meetings of Zero Carbon Yorkshire.  Members will receive regular updates on our activities by email, unless you unsubscribe from our email list – if you want to unsubscribe, or also wish to receive information on the activities of our specialist Working Groups, please click here to manage your preferences.

Membership of Zero Carbon Yorkshire is open to both individuals and organisations; if you are applying for individual membership it would still be helpful to know the name of your organisation. If you are applying on behalf of an organisation you must check the box stating you have permission to apply for membership on its behalf (optional).


The objectives of Zero Carbon Yorkshire are: ‘To promote the conservation, protection and improvement of the environment by building a Yorkshire-wide movement committed to transitioning the Yorkshire region to a zero-carbon economy in the shortest possible timeframe, consistent with doing so in a way that is socially and economically just.’

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