Hope for the Future and Carbon Neutral University will be developing news way of getting people to talk about climate change on Thursday March 21st at 7.30pm  in Lecture Theatre 8 at the Diamond, University of Sheffield .


Hope for the Future is a charity which supports ordinary citizens who want to talk to their MPs about climate change. They do this by helping constituents find common ground with MPs of all political persuasions, using language that speaks to their MP’s values and interests in order to inform and engage them, but also to nudge them to taking practical action on climate change.

HftF believe that “It is only through building the trust of those with whom we disagree that we are able to have the kind of robust conversations that would not otherwise have been possible, leading to transformed attitudes and tangible action.”

Hope for the Future’s mission is “to support climate campaigners, academics, faith communities, local groups, NGOs and individuals across the UK to have their voices heard on climate change”.

Please get your ticket here, and circulate the link to your networks!